Sign the petition to Number 10

Click on the following link to learn about Trans Fats and sign the petition against them being used in food manufacturing:

Sunday, 15 April 2007

The first step

I am hoping that by making these changes to my diet I will make a significant reduction in the amount of medication I need to take to control my type 2 diabetes over the next 12 months.

I will record my numbers (daily blood glucose levels, HBA1c, weight, etc etc) on a google spreadsheet. You can view my spreadhsheet at I will try to make the data as comprehensive as I can, I don't normally measure blood glucose at lunchtime but I've put a column on the spreadsheet as I will try to start including it.

Over the next week or so I will be reducing the amount of trans isomer fats I consume by using up stuff in my store cupboard like my favourite seeds of change curry sauces and shop bought humous. I am also going to substitute rice cakes for bread and hopefully come up with some more alternatives.

Basically I don't have to change what I eat for breakfast and lunch as they already fit in with the plan. It's just evening meals and snacks that need work. I am going to be gathering and collecting recipes, including raw food recipes.

I intend to update this blog once a week. I've already done a lot of research about food and nutrition and have saved a lot of web pages into my favourites, I will put the links the blog as they may be of interest to others. Please feel free to email me or post a comment either on here or on the forum.

Thanks for reading my blog.

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